Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our primary goal is customer satisfaction. We’ve partnered with many of our dealers for over 35 years, and they can attest to our commitment to our customers. If you aren’t satisfied with any part of your installation, we’ll work to make it right.

Expert Staff

At every point of contact, our trained and experienced staff will provide personalized customer service. We’ll help you navigate an extensive selection of the best available products, and our team will clearly communicate the schedule. We’ll also help to manage the many details of your project, allowing for a smooth, stress-free installation.

Commitment to Quality

Trust our family to work for your family. Custom Marble is a family-owned business, and we take pride in exceeding expectations. We use high-quality materials and the latest technology to produce kitchens and baths that will be a cherished part of your home. With excellent attention to detail and a friendly, expert staff, Custom Marble pledges to take every available step to ensure your complete satisfaction.